Multi-unit housing is a wide description that covers everything from shiny new downtown high-rises and low-rise rural condos to the adaptive reuse of converting historic buildings into boutique apartments. The common thread is taking a space that brings residents together in close proximity while providing unique living experiences. While there may be communal areas and shared hallways, each resident can create what they value most: not just a unit, but a home.

Multi-unit housing projects need a delicate balance. While schedules must be made and kept, the longer the project takes to reach the market, the longer it may take to recoup the investment. At the same time, construction must be completed to the highest quality. At Ledgewood Construction, we use a collaborative process to keep project costs under control while eliminating schedule waste. We combine innovative design and construction technology with decades of experience and knowledge in a formula that generates project success.

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Multi-unit projects let us show that, even though you might have repetitive floor plans and similar spaces, you can be incredibly innovative and offer unique homes for future residents.
Peter Benard

Multi-Unit Housing Projects

Our multi-unit housing projects have provided us the opportunity to demonstrate innovative site development solutions and utilize green practices to create smart housing for future generations. Whether it is a dormitory that sees yearly turnover or a loft or apartment building that may be someone’s life-long residence, every project deserves equal attention and quality.