Winslow Junior High and Elementary School

"8 Years of planning and the new spaces are refreshing! Completed on time and under budget during a national pandemic"


Ledgewood was hired as the Construction Manager to oversee the occupied renovation and addition project at Winslow High School and Elementary School, to make way for a new Junior High Space. The current Junior High will close and the new High School will now include grades 7th through 12th and the elementary school will include through 6th grade. Combined projects total over 39,000-s.f.

The High School project included an addition for band, gymnasium, cafeteria, classrooms, office space and a new STEM lab. The chorus, gymnasium and additional classrooms were also renovated. All new and renovated spaces, received upgrades to the windows and HVAC systems.

Phase two of the project included renovations in the Elementary school. Renovations include mostly interior reconfiguring of classroom layout and opening up the space. Included is a new drop-off route for students and the reception and waiting area was also reconfigured.

Ledgewood finished the project on time and on budget, despite most of the construction taking place during a national pandemic.

  • Location: Winslow, Maine
  • Owner: Winslow School Department
  • Architect: Stephen Blatt Architects